Das Schloss hinterm Regenbogen
Elisabeta Bostan, Nicolae CodrescuSchauspieler:
Carmen Stanescu, Emanoil Petrut, Anna Széles, Nicolae Secareanu, Mihai Paladescu, Margareta Pogonat, George Motoi, Eugenia Bosânceanu, Zoe Anghel Stanca, Mircea Breazu, Ion Tugearu, Nicolae Brancomir, Corina Constantinescu, Simona Manda"Eine Jugend ohne Alter, ein Leben ohne Tod" – mit diesem Segensspruch des Vaters macht sich ein Bauernsohn auf den Weg, das Reich der ewigen Jugend zu suchen. Das märchenhafte Schloss hinter dem Regenbogen, das mitten in diesem Land liegt, darf er aber erst betreten, wenn er drei Aufgaben gelöst hat. Auf der gefahrvollen Suche nach der "goldenen Ähre der Güte", dem "goldenen Apfel der Wahrheit" und dem "goldenen Schlüssel" für das Buch des ewigen Lebens stehen ihm der Herr der Zeit, die Königin der Vögel und eine verzauberte Prinzessin bei. Sein Widersacher, der böse Lügenprinz, droht alles zunichte zu machen - doch am Ende erweist sich die Sehnsucht als der schwierigste Gegner.
A young man's quest for a kingdom promising eternal youth and immortality. To reach his goal he must fulfill the three wishes of the Emperor's daughter, retrieve three golden objects, answer three riddles set by the Lord of Time, and overcome an evil witch and escape the Kingdom of Lies ruled by an evil Emperor and the young man's nemesis, the Prince of Lies. In return for good deeds along the way, he is given a magical horn and feather to aid him in his quest and is served by a flying horse, All this before he can finally enter the Kingdom of Youth without Old Age and Life without Death and marry the Emperor's daughter.
A young man's quest for a kingdom promising eternal youth and immortality. To reach his goal he must fulfill the three wishes of the Emperor's daughter, retrieve three golden objects, answer three riddles set by the Lord of Time, and overcome an evil witch and escape the Kingdom of Lies ruled by an evil Emperor and the young man's nemesis, the Prince of Lies. In return for good deeds along the way, he is given a magical horn and feather to aid him in his quest and is served by a flying horse, All this before he can finally enter the Kingdom of Youth without Old Age and Life without Death and marry the Emperor's daughter.