Das schönste Geschenk meines Lebens
Olaf KreinsenSchauspieler:
Jutta Speidel, Bernadette Heerwagen, Kathrin Kühnel, Peter Sattmann, Irene Rindje, Bruno Maccallini, Kyra Mladeck, Soraya Richter, Marcela Musso, Camillo D'Ancona, Maria Del Monte, Christa Bauer, Enrico MiglioreAls Barbara Seeberg erfährt, dass ihr Mann eine Affäre hat, bittet sie kurz entschlossen den ebenso charmanten wie sympathischen Kioskbesitzer Enrico, sie auf eine Reise nach Italien zu begleiten. Als jedoch Barbaras erwachsene Kinder und ihre resolute Mutter völlig unerwartet nachreisen, überschlagen sich die turbulenten Ereignisse. - In der romantischen Komödie "Das schönste Geschenk meines Lebens" verschlägt es Jutta Speidel aufgrund einer handfesten Ehekrise an die idyllische Küste von Amalfi.
When Barbara Seeberg learns that her husband is having an affair, she resolutely asks the equally charming and likeable kiosk owner Enrico to accompany her on a trip to Italy. However, when Barbara's grown-up children and their feisty mother travel home completely unexpectedly, the tumultuous events recur. - In the romantic comedy "The most beautiful gift of my life", Jutta Speidel ends up on the idyllic coast of Amalfi due to a marital crisis.
When Barbara Seeberg learns that her husband is having an affair, she resolutely asks the equally charming and likeable kiosk owner Enrico to accompany her on a trip to Italy. However, when Barbara's grown-up children and their feisty mother travel home completely unexpectedly, the tumultuous events recur. - In the romantic comedy "The most beautiful gift of my life", Jutta Speidel ends up on the idyllic coast of Amalfi due to a marital crisis.