Das Tal der Leidenschaften
George MarshallSchauspieler:
Van Heflin, Susan Hayward, Boris Karloff, Julie London, Whitfield Connor, Ward Bond, Richard Long, Arthur Shields, Griff Barnett, Sondra Rodgers, Ruby Dandridge, Russell Simpson, Gregg Barton, John Beck, William Challee, Harry CordingDies ist die Geschichte einer Familie aus Mississippi, einer Familie, deren Pioniermänner und -frauen ihre ausgedehnten Plantagen aus der Wildnis selbst herausgeschlagen hatten. Bis 1860 war ihr angenehmes Tal fast zu einem Staat im Staat geworden, dessen Menschen sehr bereit waren, ihr Leben aufs Spiel zu setzen, anstatt die Autorität irgendeines anderen Gewissens als ihres eigenen anzuerkennen. Dies waren die berühmten Dabneys von Levington.
Set at the beginning of the Civil War, Tap Roots is all about a county in Mississippi which chooses to secede from the state rather than enter the conflict. The county is protected from the Confederacy by an abolitionist and a Native American gentleman. The abolitionist's daughter is courted by a powerful newspaper publisher when her fiance, a confederate officer, elopes with the girl's sister. The daughter at first resists the publisher's attentions, but turns to him for aid when her ex-fiance plans to capture the seceding county on behalf of the South.
Set at the beginning of the Civil War, Tap Roots is all about a county in Mississippi which chooses to secede from the state rather than enter the conflict. The county is protected from the Confederacy by an abolitionist and a Native American gentleman. The abolitionist's daughter is courted by a powerful newspaper publisher when her fiance, a confederate officer, elopes with the girl's sister. The daughter at first resists the publisher's attentions, but turns to him for aid when her ex-fiance plans to capture the seceding county on behalf of the South.