Das Testament des Orpheus
Jean CocteauSchauspieler:
Jean Cocteau, Edouard Dermithe, Henri Crémieux, François Périer, Claudine Auger, Françoise Arnoul, Lucia Bosé, Charles Aznavour, Brigitte Bardot, Jean Marais, Daniel Gélin, Françoise Christophe, Nicole Courcel, Daniel Moosmann, Yul Brynner, Pablo PicassoEin Poet aus dem 18. Jahrhundert reist auf der Suche nach göttlicher Weisheit durch Raum und Zeit. In einem geheimnisvollen Ödland trifft er auf verschiedene symbolische Phantome, die immer wieder aufs neue seinen Tod und anschließend seine Wiedergeburt herbeiführen...
Outside time and reality, the experiences of a poet. The judgement of the young poet by Heurtebise and the Princess, the Gypsies, the palace of Pallas Athena, the spear of the Goddess which pierces the poet's heart, the temptation of the Sphinx, the flight of Oedipus and the final Assumption. This film is the third part of Cocteau's Orphic Trilogy, which consists of The Blood of a Poet (1930), Orpheus (1950) and Testament of Orpheus (1960).
Outside time and reality, the experiences of a poet. The judgement of the young poet by Heurtebise and the Princess, the Gypsies, the palace of Pallas Athena, the spear of the Goddess which pierces the poet's heart, the temptation of the Sphinx, the flight of Oedipus and the final Assumption. This film is the third part of Cocteau's Orphic Trilogy, which consists of The Blood of a Poet (1930), Orpheus (1950) and Testament of Orpheus (1960).