Das Tödliche Erbe des Shaolin
Cheh ChangSchauspieler:
Phillip Chung-Fung Kwok, Meng Lo, Feng Lu, Sheng Chiang, Chien Sun, Li Wang, On-Lai Liu, Lai Wang, Hung Chan, Lien-Ping Chang, Hui Chi Chen, Tien-Chu Chin, Kin Ping Chow, Kwok Wing Ha, Yu Lung HsiaoYuan Fang, machtgieriger Erbe des berühmten goldenen ShaolinSchwertes, will eine südchinesische Provinzstadt in seine Gewalt bringen.
Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, schreckt er vor nichts zurück.
Erpressung und Mord sind die Mittel mit denen er versucht seinen Willen in die Tat umzusetzen.
Ein Mann jedoch beugt sich dem Terror nicht: Kuan-, er sammelt eine Gruppe von Kämpfern um sich die zu allem entschlossen sind. Gemeinsam schütteln sie das Joch der Unterdrückung ab und stellen damit die Ehre der Shaolin wieder her.
Yuan Ying Fei is the descendant of the one known as Golden Sword and himself is a master of the technique as well as being boss of the town. He is so a cruel man and has killed his sparring partners with unnecessary blows, causing many martial artists to leave the town with only Guan Ah Yun remaining. Guan is the owner of Wu Wei security bureau which Yuan wishes to buy but cannot bully Guan out as he has an eye for his sister and Guan cannot fight back because any time he tries his sister and mother stop him. Yuan is stuck until he learns of 4 kung fu experts who are passing through the town by eating in restaurants and then taking it in terms to take a beating due to not being able to pay. Yuan tricks He Fei,Yang Zhui Feng, Zeng Qiao and Feng Jia Ji into being his friends and then tricks them into believing that Guan is a cruel and unhelpful man. The four go to fight Guan, but do so away from his mother and sister - but the fights produce mutual respect and friendship between ...
Yuan Ying Fei is the descendant of the one known as Golden Sword and himself is a master of the technique as well as being boss of the town. He is so a cruel man and has killed his sparring partners with unnecessary blows, causing many martial artists to leave the town with only Guan Ah Yun remaining. Guan is the owner of Wu Wei security bureau which Yuan wishes to buy but cannot bully Guan out as he has an eye for his sister and Guan cannot fight back because any time he tries his sister and mother stop him. Yuan is stuck until he learns of 4 kung fu experts who are passing through the town by eating in restaurants and then taking it in terms to take a beating due to not being able to pay. Yuan tricks He Fei,Yang Zhui Feng, Zeng Qiao and Feng Jia Ji into being his friends and then tricks them into believing that Guan is a cruel and unhelpful man. The four go to fight Guan, but do so away from his mother and sister - but the fights produce mutual respect and friendship between ...