Das Vaterspiel
Michael GlawoggerSchauspieler:
Ulrich Tukur, Samuel Finzi, Franziska Weisz, Otto Tausig, Christian Tramitz, Sabine Timoteo, Michou FrieszRatz, der in Wien im Schatten seines übermächtigen Politiker-Vaters vor sich hin vegetiert, bastelt seit Jahren an einem besonders perfiden Egoshooter-Spiel. Da bittet ihn Ex-Kommilitonin Mimi, die jetzt in New York lebt, um Hilfe. Ratz soll auf Long Island einen Keller renovieren. Was er nicht weiß: Dort hält sich ein Naziverbrecher versteckt. Und genau dieser alte Mann steht im Verdacht, 1941 in Litauen den Vater von Jonas Shtrom umgebracht zu haben. Was wiederum der Sohn 1959 in einem Ludwigsburger Büroraum zu Protokoll gibt.
The story and fate of three families: A Jewish family destroyed by the massacres of the Nazis in Lithuania; the family of the culprit, who flew to America and keeps grotesque family cohesion; the family of Ratz, a social democratic family, dissolving itself miserably in today's Vienna. The condemnation of the last century bundled in these three families showing clearly that one could never escape from its own past. Written by themoth-1
The story and fate of three families: A Jewish family destroyed by the massacres of the Nazis in Lithuania; the family of the culprit, who flew to America and keeps grotesque family cohesion; the family of Ratz, a social democratic family, dissolving itself miserably in today's Vienna. The condemnation of the last century bundled in these three families showing clearly that one could never escape from its own past. Written by themoth-1