Das Vermächtnis der Ninja
Choi Young-chul, Chun Bang YangSchauspieler:
Michael Chan, Elaine Jin, David Lo Dai-Wai, Casanova Wang HoFeindliche, schwarz vermummte Ninjas sind zu allem bereit, um 6 geheimnisvolle Ketten an sich zu reißen, die den Code für ein Schweizer Bankkonto liefern. Aber der Box Champion WONG wird von seinem Boss so lange unter Druck gesetzt, bis er mit geballter Kraft in eine teuflische Schlacht gegen diese Profi Killer stürzt.
During World War II, a valuable pendant is taken into hiding to protect it from those who would use it for evil. Years later, men are still trying to retrieve the pendant, now separated into two parts for safekeeping, and will stop at nothing to get their hands on it. A young tournament fighter who is traveling to a big event unwittingly becomes involved in the recovery of the mysterious pendant.
During World War II, a valuable pendant is taken into hiding to protect it from those who would use it for evil. Years later, men are still trying to retrieve the pendant, now separated into two parts for safekeeping, and will stop at nothing to get their hands on it. A young tournament fighter who is traveling to a big event unwittingly becomes involved in the recovery of the mysterious pendant.