Das Vermächtnis der Shaolin
Shan Hua, Yang Ji YouSchauspieler:
Faan Dung Yue, Hoh Cheng, Chiu Liu Liu, Wong ChekAuch um der Hochzeit mit seiner Zukünftigen zu entgehen macht sich der junge Kung Fu Kämpfer auf den Weg zum Shaolin Tempel um dort die hohe Kunst des Kampfsportes zu erlernen. Doch schon schon schnell macht sich beim ihm und seinen Mitschülern Ernüchterung breit, denn die Shaolin verabscheuen den Kampf des Kampfes wegen und lehren vornehmlich die Verteidigung. Doch dann taucht ein ehemaliger Schüler der Shaolin auf, der damals ebenso enttäuscht den Tempel während seiner Ausbildung verlassen hat und den Shaolin nun im Kampf beweisen will, wie falsch und verlogen ihre friedfertige Einstellung zum Kampf ist...
Cheng runs away from a marriage arranged by his parents to the temple. Then he starts to learn with the monks later on. However, his master Hung Duk only assigns hard work and does not teach them Kung Fu. Cheng and his mates are disappointed. The Rover, a Kung Fu fanatic, puts them to shame. He once a Shaolin student but expelled for misbehavior, goes back to Shaolin to humiliate the monks. Cheng and his mates are beaten by the Rover. Hung Duk eventually starts to teach them Kung Fu but the abbot punishes him for his flight with the Rover. Cheng is incensed. He goes out and pits himself desperately against the Rover…
Cheng runs away from a marriage arranged by his parents to the temple. Then he starts to learn with the monks later on. However, his master Hung Duk only assigns hard work and does not teach them Kung Fu. Cheng and his mates are disappointed. The Rover, a Kung Fu fanatic, puts them to shame. He once a Shaolin student but expelled for misbehavior, goes back to Shaolin to humiliate the monks. Cheng and his mates are beaten by the Rover. Hung Duk eventually starts to teach them Kung Fu but the abbot punishes him for his flight with the Rover. Cheng is incensed. He goes out and pits himself desperately against the Rover…