Das zweite Gleis
Joachim KunertSchauspieler:
Annekathrin Bürger, Albert Hetterle, Horst Jonischkan, Walter Richter-Reinick, Helga Göring, Erik S. Klein, Johanna Clas, Brigitte Lindenberg, Paul Berndt, Walter E. Fuß, Arno WyzniewskiNach einem Diebstahl auf dem Güterbahnhof lässt Fahrdienstleiter Brock (Albert Hetterle) den Dieb Runge (Walter Richter-Reinicke) davonkommen und leugnet später auch, ihn erkannt zu haben. Als Brock sich daraufhin in eine andere Stadt versetzen lassen will, wird Brocks Tochter Vera (Annekathrin Bürger) misstrauisch. Mit dem Schlosser Frank geht sie Hinweisen nach, die bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg zurückreichen. Dabei lüften sie ein Geheimnis...
An attempted robbery from a railway freight wagon takes place in a marshaling yard in East Germany. The Yard Supervisor, Brock recognises the thief as someone he has good reason to hate from the wartime. But identifying him would bring all sorts of ghosts out to haunt him, so he denies knowing the man. Meanwhile his daughter and her boyfriend get curious about the past and when they investigate, they expose a history that is explosive. Can anyone put the genie back in the bottle?
An attempted robbery from a railway freight wagon takes place in a marshaling yard in East Germany. The Yard Supervisor, Brock recognises the thief as someone he has good reason to hate from the wartime. But identifying him would bring all sorts of ghosts out to haunt him, so he denies knowing the man. Meanwhile his daughter and her boyfriend get curious about the past and when they investigate, they expose a history that is explosive. Can anyone put the genie back in the bottle?