Dead Man's Hand - Casino der Verdammten
Charles BandSchauspieler:
Robin Sydney, Scott Whyte, Sid Haig, Michael Berryman, Kristyn Green, Wes Armstrong, Jessica Morris, Lily Rains, Kavan Reece, Bob RumnockSechs junge Leute, drei Herren und drei Damen, besuchen in einer Geisterstadt in der Nähe von Las Vegas ein verfallenes altes Casino, weil einer der ihren das Anwesen unlängst als Erbstück empfing. Niemand ahnt, dass dort einst eine schlimme Abrechnung unter Gangstern stattfand und die Geister der Verliererpartei nun das Gebäude behausen, versessen darauf, Rache zu nehmen am Nachfahren ihres Mörders. Und wie könnte man das in einem Casino besser tun, als die Kids auf Leben und Tod spielen zu lassen.
After inheriting a casino from his dead uncle, Matthew Dragna, his girl friend J.J. (Robin Sydney) and a group of friends take a road trip to the outskirts of Las Vegas, where they find the run-down Mysteria Casino. But the trip takes a frightening turn when the kids discover that the casino is haunted by the ghosts of Vegas mobsters Roy "The Word" Donahue (Sid Haig) and his goon Gil Wachetta (Michael Berryman), looking to settle an old score. Matthew and J.J. must fight for their very souls as the ghosts seek their gruesome vengeance, and in the vein of The Shining, this horrifying tale builds to a bloody and surprising climax.
After inheriting a casino from his dead uncle, Matthew Dragna, his girl friend J.J. (Robin Sydney) and a group of friends take a road trip to the outskirts of Las Vegas, where they find the run-down Mysteria Casino. But the trip takes a frightening turn when the kids discover that the casino is haunted by the ghosts of Vegas mobsters Roy "The Word" Donahue (Sid Haig) and his goon Gil Wachetta (Michael Berryman), looking to settle an old score. Matthew and J.J. must fight for their very souls as the ghosts seek their gruesome vengeance, and in the vein of The Shining, this horrifying tale builds to a bloody and surprising climax.