Déjà Vu - Wettlauf gegen die Zeit
Tony ScottSchauspieler:
Denzel Washington, Elle Fanning, Bruce Greenwood, Val Kilmer, Jim Caviezel, Brian Howe, Paula Patton, Elden Henson, Adam Goldberg, Matt Craven, Erika Alexander, Rich Hutchman, Donna W. Scott, Enrique Castillo, Mark PhinneyIn New Orleans explodiert eine Bombe und versenkt ein ganzes Passagierschiff. Bei dem verheerenden Attentat sterben Hunderte Fahrgäste. Wer hinter dem Terroranschlag steckt, soll der erfahrene ATF Agent Doug Carlin (Denzel Washington) vor Ort untersuchen. Doch Carlin sichert nicht nur Beweise, er hatte bereits vorab eine Vision von dem Anschlag. Darin verliebte er sich in die geheimnisvolle Claire (Paula Patton), die später ums Leben kam. Dringlichst sucht Carlin nach einer Möglichkeit, die Opfer zu retten - und entdeckt Erstaunliches.
Actionintensiver Zeitreise-Thriller, den Tony Scott ("Staatsfeind Nr. 1") in zeitgemäßen Hochglanz verpackt und Magnat Jerry Bruckheimer ("Armageddon") mit dem nötigen Kleingeld für Stars und Show versorgt.
A ferry filled with crewmen from the USS Nimitz and their families was blown up in New Orleans on Mardi Gras. BATF Doug Carlin is brought in to assist in the massive investigation, and gets attached to an experimental FBI surveillance unit, one that uses spacefolding technology to directly look back a little over four days into the past. While tracking down the bomber, Carlin gets an idea in his head: could they use the device to actually travel back in time and not only prevent the bombing but also the murder of a local woman whose truck was used in the bombing?
A ferry filled with crewmen from the USS Nimitz and their families was blown up in New Orleans on Mardi Gras. BATF Doug Carlin is brought in to assist in the massive investigation, and gets attached to an experimental FBI surveillance unit, one that uses spacefolding technology to directly look back a little over four days into the past. While tracking down the bomber, Carlin gets an idea in his head: could they use the device to actually travel back in time and not only prevent the bombing but also the murder of a local woman whose truck was used in the bombing?