Delta Force
Menahem GolanSchauspieler:
Shelley Winters, Susan Strasberg, Robert Vaughn, George Kennedy, Robert Forster, Steve James, Martin Balsam, Chuck Norris, Bo Svenson, Lainie Kazan, Joey Bishop, Lee Marvin, Hanna Schygulla, William Wallace, Charles GrantAuf dem Weg von Athen über Rom nach New York wird ein amerikanisches Passagierflugzeug von arabischen Terroristen entführt. Nach einer Zwischenlandung in Beirut, wo die Juden unter den Geiseln in ein Versteck gebracht werden, geht es weiter nach Algier. Unter Führung von Colonel Nick Alexander und Major Scott McCoy wird die amerikanische Spezialeinheit Delta Force losgeschickt, um dem Spuk ein Ende zu bereiten. Doch das erweist sich als gar nicht so einfach.
Einer US-Elite gelingt es, arabische Flugzeugentführer zu besiegen.
When the terrorists Abdul Rafai and Mustafa hijack a Boeing 707 in Athenas with 144 passengers and crew, they use a grenade to force Captain Campbell to fly to Beirut, Lebanon, instead of to Rome and New York. Meanwhile the Delta Force commanded by Colonel Nick Alexander and Major McCoy are assigned to resolve the situation. Abdul and Mustafa separate the Jewish and Marine passengers and they are transported to Beirut, while twelve other terrorists embark on board. Then they fly to Algiers, where the women and children are released. McCoy and the Delta Force team are prepared to attack the plane when Alexander learns that there are now fourteen terrorists on board and not only two, and he aborts the mission. Abdul kills a Marine and returns to Beirut with the male passengers on board. Now the Delta Force needs to act in two locations crowded of terrorists to release the hostages. Will they succeed?
When the terrorists Abdul Rafai and Mustafa hijack a Boeing 707 in Athenas with 144 passengers and crew, they use a grenade to force Captain Campbell to fly to Beirut, Lebanon, instead of to Rome and New York. Meanwhile the Delta Force commanded by Colonel Nick Alexander and Major McCoy are assigned to resolve the situation. Abdul and Mustafa separate the Jewish and Marine passengers and they are transported to Beirut, while twelve other terrorists embark on board. Then they fly to Algiers, where the women and children are released. McCoy and the Delta Force team are prepared to attack the plane when Alexander learns that there are now fourteen terrorists on board and not only two, and he aborts the mission. Abdul kills a Marine and returns to Beirut with the male passengers on board. Now the Delta Force needs to act in two locations crowded of terrorists to release the hostages. Will they succeed?