Der Augenzeuge
Peter YatesSchauspieler:
William Hurt, Sigourney Weaver, Christopher Plummer, James Woods, Irene Worth, Kenneth McMillan, Pamela Reed, Steven Hill, Morgan Freeman, Alice Drummond, Chao Li Chi, Albert Paulsen, Sharon Goldman, Keone Young, Dennis SakamotoVietnamveteran Daryl arbeitet als Hausmeister in New York und schwärmt für die Fernsehreporterin Tony Sokolow. Als er eines Tages in seinem Haus die Leiche eines asiatischen Geschäftsmannes findet, erscheint tatsächlich Tony, um über den Fall zu berichten. Daryl gaukelt ihr vor, mehr über den Mord zu wissen, um sich ihre Aufmerksamkeit zu sichern. Damit beschwört er allerhand Ungemach herauf, nicht zuletzt, weil Tony bereits einen Verlobten hat, der als israelischer Agent in den Mord verwickelt ist.
Thriller von Peter Yates, in dem William Hurt mit nicht vorhandenem Wissen prahlt, um die Aufmerksamkeit von Sigourney Weaver zu erregen.
Daryll Deever is a janitor in an office building in New York, and a big fan of TV news reporter, Tony Sokolow. When a rich man is murdered in Daryll's building, Tony comes to cover the story and Daryll introduces himself to her. Thinking he may know something about the crime, Tony pursues him, and in order to keep seeing her, he pretends that he does. As the two of them play this game, the killers are watching, assuming that Daryll and Tony both know more about the crime than they do.
Daryll Deever is a janitor in an office building in New York, and a big fan of TV news reporter, Tony Sokolow. When a rich man is murdered in Daryll's building, Tony comes to cover the story and Daryll introduces himself to her. Thinking he may know something about the crime, Tony pursues him, and in order to keep seeing her, he pretends that he does. As the two of them play this game, the killers are watching, assuming that Daryll and Tony both know more about the crime than they do.