Der Auslandskorrespondent
Alfred HitchcockSchauspieler:
Joel McCrea, Laraine Day, Herbert Marshall, George Sanders, Albert Bassermann, Robert Benchley, Edmund Gwenn, Eduardo Ciannelli, Harry Davenport, Martin Kosleck, Frances Carson, Ian Wolfe, Charles Wagenheim, Eddie Conrad, Charles Halton, Barbara PepperLondon 1939: US-Reporter Johnny Jones (Joel McCrea) soll über den drohenden Kriegsausbruch berichten. Er lernt den holländischen Diplomaten Van Meer, Stephen Fisher (Herbert Marshall) und dessen Tochter Carol (Laraine Day) kennen. Als Van Meer entführt wird, entdeckt Johnny, dass Fisher ein Nazi-Agent ist...
The European war was only beginning to erupt across national borders. Its titular hero, Johnny Jones, is an American crime reporter dispatched by his New York publisher to put a fresh spin on the drowsy dispatches emanating from overseas, his nose for a good story promptly leading him to the crime of fascism and Nazi Germany's designs on European conquest In attempting to learn more about a seemingly noble peace effort, Jones who walks into the middle of an assassination, uncovers a spy ring, and, not entirely coincidentally, falls in love.
The European war was only beginning to erupt across national borders. Its titular hero, Johnny Jones, is an American crime reporter dispatched by his New York publisher to put a fresh spin on the drowsy dispatches emanating from overseas, his nose for a good story promptly leading him to the crime of fascism and Nazi Germany's designs on European conquest In attempting to learn more about a seemingly noble peace effort, Jones who walks into the middle of an assassination, uncovers a spy ring, and, not entirely coincidentally, falls in love.