Der Dieb des Lichts
Aktan Arym KubatSchauspieler:
Aktan Arym Kubat, Taalaikan Abazova, Askat Sulaimanov, Asan Amanov, Stanbek ToichubaevHerr Licht, so nennen die Bewohner eines kirgisischen Dorfes in einem abgelegenen Tal ihren einzigen Elektriker. Svet-Ake ist ein gutmütiges Männlein, dessen größte Sorge anfangs ist, zu seinen drei Töchtern noch männlichen Nachwuchs zu zeugen. Er zweigt den sündteuren Strom illegal ab - bis ihn die Behörden dabei erwischen und er seinen Job loswird. Da kommt ein dubioser Politiker ins Dorf und versichert, Svet-Akes bislang belächelte Vision von einer autonomen Stromversorgung durch Windräder umzusetzen. Doch sind das nur leere Versprechungen.
Folkloristische Tragikomödie um einen kirgisischen Elektriker, der zwischen kulturellem Wandel und den Machenschaften eines Machtmenschen aufgerieben wird.
The main hero of the film is an electrician with a far greater effect on the people around him than his job defines. He is the last link in a huge energetic system and he becomes the binding bridge between the geopolitical problems of post-soviet space and the common people. The economic devastation of the country had an enormous impact on the industrial workers and yet despite the upheaval, these people did not seize to love and suffer, to have and be friends and to enjoy their lives. In particular our resilient electrician, who possesses a wonderful and open heart. He not only brings electric light (which is often out) to the lives of the inhabitants of this small city, but he also spreads the light of love, loyalty, life and mainly laughter.
The main hero of the film is an electrician with a far greater effect on the people around him than his job defines. He is the last link in a huge energetic system and he becomes the binding bridge between the geopolitical problems of post-soviet space and the common people. The economic devastation of the country had an enormous impact on the industrial workers and yet despite the upheaval, these people did not seize to love and suffer, to have and be friends and to enjoy their lives. In particular our resilient electrician, who possesses a wonderful and open heart. He not only brings electric light (which is often out) to the lives of the inhabitants of this small city, but he also spreads the light of love, loyalty, life and mainly laughter.