Der Eisbär
Til Schweiger, Granz HenmanSchauspieler:
Til Schweiger, Karina Krawczyk, Benno Fürmann, Florian Lukas, Jürgen Tarrach, Ralf Richter, Thierry van Werveke, Ralph Herforth, Leonard Lansink, Leander Haußmann, Willi Thomczyk, Katharina Thalbach, Manfred Lehmann, Peter Maffay, Heiner Lauterbach, Tom GerhardtLeo ist Profikiller, genannt "Der Eisbär". Bei seinem jüngsten Auftrag erwischt er allerdings den Falschen. Die Schergen des "Gesundheitsinspektors", wie sein Boß respektvoll genannt wird, sind ihm deshalb bereits dicht auf den Fersen. Um sein weiteres Vorgehen in Ruhe überdenken zu können, zieht "Der Eisbär" sich erst einmal in "Paul's Eck" zurück. Doch auch Berufskollegin Nico hat es nicht leicht. Eigentlich hätte sie den "Gesundheitsinspektor" töten sollen, aber die Sache lief schief. In "Paul's Eck" sucht sie Trost - und findet Liebe.
Unterhaltsame "True Romance"-Variante, in der Til Schweiger abermals auf Tarantinospuren wandelt.
Four characters become involved in one dramatic story: Nico has a mission to drive a car containing a live bomb to a specified destination, park the car and escape as quickly as she can. Leo has become his client's target, having carried out a "contract" that unfortunately had already been cancelled. Fabian and Reza want to enjoy themselves without any money, bringing themselves into contact sooner or later with the police. Sooner or later all four will meet up in dramatic circumstances....
Four characters become involved in one dramatic story: Nico has a mission to drive a car containing a live bomb to a specified destination, park the car and escape as quickly as she can. Leo has become his client's target, having carried out a "contract" that unfortunately had already been cancelled. Fabian and Reza want to enjoy themselves without any money, bringing themselves into contact sooner or later with the police. Sooner or later all four will meet up in dramatic circumstances....