Der Engel mit den blutigen Flügeln
Douglas SirkSchauspieler:
Rock Hudson, Anna Kashfi, Dan Duryea, Don DeFore, Martha Hyer, Jock Mahoney, Alan Hale Jr., James Edwards, Carl Benton Reid, Richard Loo, Simon Scott, Philip Ahn, Bartlett Robinson, Teru Shimada, Carleton Young, Jung' Kyoo PyoWeil er als Kampfpilot im Zweiten Weltkrieg versehentlich ein Waisenhaus bombardierte, wird Dean Hess nach dem Krieg Priester. Doch er muss einsehen, dass er nicht zum Geistlichen taugt. Nach Ausbruch des Korea-Krieges meldet er sich freiwillig zurück und wird Piloten-Ausbilder in Seoul. Mit Hilfe einer Koreanerin nimmt er sich junger koreanischer Waisenkinder an, und als der Feind immer näher rückt, sorgt er dafür, dass 400 Kinder über eine Luftbrücke evakuiert werden.
Battle Hymn was inspired by the true story of American minister Dean Hess, played here with rare sensitivity by Rock Hudson. A bomber pilot during World War II, Hess inadvertently releases a bomb which destroys a German orphanage. Tortured by guilt, Hess relocates in Korea after the war to offer his services as a missionary. Combining the best elements of Christianity and Eastern spiritualism, Hess establishes a large home for orphans. The preacher's efforts are threatened when the Korean "police action" breaks out in 1950. Battle Hymn was one of several collaborations between Rock Hudson and director Douglas Sirk--though Sirk felt that Robert Stack would have been better suited to the role of Rev. Hess.
Battle Hymn was inspired by the true story of American minister Dean Hess, played here with rare sensitivity by Rock Hudson. A bomber pilot during World War II, Hess inadvertently releases a bomb which destroys a German orphanage. Tortured by guilt, Hess relocates in Korea after the war to offer his services as a missionary. Combining the best elements of Christianity and Eastern spiritualism, Hess establishes a large home for orphans. The preacher's efforts are threatened when the Korean "police action" breaks out in 1950. Battle Hymn was one of several collaborations between Rock Hudson and director Douglas Sirk--though Sirk felt that Robert Stack would have been better suited to the role of Rev. Hess.