Der Exorzismus der Emma Evans
Manuel CarballoSchauspieler:
Doug Bradley, Stephen Billington, Richard Felix, Tommy Bastow, Sophie Vavasseur, Jo-Anne Stockham, Lazzaro E. Oertli Ortiz, Isamaya Ffrench, Emma Reynolds, Brendan Price, Clàudia Costas, Cristina Cervià, Francesc Ten, Joan Roca, Pere RaichEmma ist ein hübsches junges Mädchen und rebelliert gegen ihre verständnisvollen Eltern mit ein bisschen harmloser Punk-Attitüde und gelegentlichem Drogenkonsum mit den Freundinnen. Nach einer Serie seltsamer Vorfälle aber gibt ihr Verhalten Anlass zur ernsthafter Besorgnis, ein Psychiater überlebt ihre Sitzungen nicht, und selbst nahe Verwandte scheinen nicht vor ihren Attacken sicher zu sein. Irgendwann schalten die Eltern einen Verwandten im Priesterstand ein, und der diagnostiziert satanische Besessenheit.
Handwerklich grundsolider und moderat spannender Exorzismus-Horror aus spanischer Manufaktur. Ein Mädchen diagnostiziert sich selbst als besessen (zu recht) und sucht aus eigenem Antrieb den Kontakt zu einem Gottesmann im immerhin diesbezüglich mal recht originellen Drehbuch. Ansonsten variiert der Film bekannte Motive und Genreversatzstücke, und selbst für ein bisschen zeitgemäße Film-im-Film-Struktur ist gesorgt, wenn der Priester seine Sitzungen für die Nachwelt mit der Digicam aufzeichnet. Gut gespielt, stimmungsvoll, für Fans okay.
Fifteen year-old Emma Evans has an argument with her mother Lucy since she wants to go to a concert in London with her friends Rose and Alex. Emma immediately has a convulsion and her family takes her to the hospital, but the doctors do not find any physical problem. Then her father John tries to convince his wife to send Emma to school, instead of homeschooling, but she prefers to keep Emma in the family-based education. Lucy sends her daughter to the psychoanalyst believing that she has psychological problems and Emma asks her friend Rose to record her session of hypnosis though the cellular but the doctor dies during the session. When Emma listens to the tape, she believes she is possessed by the devil and asks her parents to be submitted to an exorcism with her uncle, Priest Christopher Taylor. However her skeptical mother is against the ritual and recalls that Chris was responsible for the death of a teenager, Ana, in the past in an unsuccessful exorcism. But when Emma levitates ...
Fifteen year-old Emma Evans has an argument with her mother Lucy since she wants to go to a concert in London with her friends Rose and Alex. Emma immediately has a convulsion and her family takes her to the hospital, but the doctors do not find any physical problem. Then her father John tries to convince his wife to send Emma to school, instead of homeschooling, but she prefers to keep Emma in the family-based education. Lucy sends her daughter to the psychoanalyst believing that she has psychological problems and Emma asks her friend Rose to record her session of hypnosis though the cellular but the doctor dies during the session. When Emma listens to the tape, she believes she is possessed by the devil and asks her parents to be submitted to an exorcism with her uncle, Priest Christopher Taylor. However her skeptical mother is against the ritual and recalls that Chris was responsible for the death of a teenager, Ana, in the past in an unsuccessful exorcism. But when Emma levitates ...