Der Flug der Störche
Perdita Weeks, Antoine Basler, Harry Treadaway, Clemens SchickStudent Jonathan Anselme (Harry Treadaway, "Control") will mit dem Schweizer Ornithologen Bohm untersuchen, warum einige Störche nicht vom Überwintern in Afrika zurückkehren. Als Bohm tot aufgefunden wird, ist klar, dass es nicht nur um Flugrouten geht. Polizist Dumaz ("James Bond 007: Casino Royale"-Bösewicht Clemens Schick) ermutigt Jonathan, seine Spurensuche fortzusetzen, die nach Bulgarien, Israel und in den Kongo führt… Jan Kounens ("Coco Chanel & Igor Strawinsky") stilistisch und optisch reizvolle Verfilmung des Romans von 1994 verlangt dem Zuschauer einiges ab: ständige Personal- und Ortswechsel sowie eine kryptisch-zähe Story um Vögel, Schmuggel und Halluzinationen, die erst nach drei Stunden halbwegs Sinn ergeben. Der u. a. in Südafrika gedrehte Zweiteiler wird hier am Stück gezeigt.
Jonathan Anselme, a young English academic, teams up with Max Böhm, an amateur ornithologist, to follow storks on their migration from Switzerland to Africa. Max wants to find out why some birds never return from this journey. However, after Max is found dead in mysterious circumstances, Jonathan decides to make the trip alone, never suspecting that he will find himself caught up in an international web of intrigue. While the Swiss detective Dumaz investigates Max Böhm’s murky past, Jonathan is forced to confront his own troubled history. He uncovers a trail of grisly murders travelling through Bulgaria, Turkey, the Middle East, the Congo along the pathway of the migrating storks and their deadly secret.
Jonathan Anselme, a young English academic, teams up with Max Böhm, an amateur ornithologist, to follow storks on their migration from Switzerland to Africa. Max wants to find out why some birds never return from this journey. However, after Max is found dead in mysterious circumstances, Jonathan decides to make the trip alone, never suspecting that he will find himself caught up in an international web of intrigue. While the Swiss detective Dumaz investigates Max Böhm’s murky past, Jonathan is forced to confront his own troubled history. He uncovers a trail of grisly murders travelling through Bulgaria, Turkey, the Middle East, the Congo along the pathway of the migrating storks and their deadly secret.