Der Geist von Mae Nak
Mark DuffieldSchauspieler:
Jaran Ngamdee, Porntip Papanai, Pataratida Pacharawirapong, Siwat Chotchaicharin, Kowit Wattanakul, Karnjanaporn Plodpai, Meesak Nakarat, Marasri Issarangkul Na Ayuttaya, Ammara Assawanon, Nirun Changklang, Natheeporn Chuerbandit, Pitt Imaurb, Sin Kaewpakpin, Wattana Koomkrong, Thanadet MeeprasertMak und Nak sind ein junges frisch verheiratetes Paar, die sich endlich den Traum vom Eigenheim erfüllen wollen. Sie kaufen eine billige alte Bruchbude, ahnen jedoch nicht, dass seit vielen Jahren dort der Geist von Mae Nak sein Unwesen treibt. Der Geist beschützt das Paar anfänglich vor Menschen, die ihnen Böses wollen, doch wird vor allem Mak von schrecklichen Albträumen gequält. Als Mak nach einem Unfall ins Koma fällt, erteilt er Nak eine übersinnliche Botschaft: Finde Mae Nak!
In Bangkok, the groom Mak is scared, having successive nightmares with a ghost woman, Mae Nak, an ancient Thai legend. He meets his beloved fiancée Nak to visit an old house in Phrakhanong with the unscrupulous real state agent Angel and they decide to buy the property. After their wedding, two small time thieves break into the house and steal their gifts and other objects. When Mak sees the criminals on the streets of Bangkok selling his goods, he chases the burglars and they run their van over Mak, who gets into a deep coma. Mae Nak protects the young couple against Angel and the burglars, but in return she holds the soul of Mak. Nak finds the remains of Mae Nak in an ancient cemetery, and with some monks, they exorcise Mae Nak from Mak and release her spirit.
In Bangkok, the groom Mak is scared, having successive nightmares with a ghost woman, Mae Nak, an ancient Thai legend. He meets his beloved fiancée Nak to visit an old house in Phrakhanong with the unscrupulous real state agent Angel and they decide to buy the property. After their wedding, two small time thieves break into the house and steal their gifts and other objects. When Mak sees the criminals on the streets of Bangkok selling his goods, he chases the burglars and they run their van over Mak, who gets into a deep coma. Mae Nak protects the young couple against Angel and the burglars, but in return she holds the soul of Mak. Nak finds the remains of Mae Nak in an ancient cemetery, and with some monks, they exorcise Mae Nak from Mak and release her spirit.