Der Goldene Riecher
David CaffreySchauspieler:
Dan Aykroyd, Robbie Coltrane, Brenda BlethynBrandan Delaney hat ihn gefunden. Den Goldesel. Genauer gesagt den eingelegten Kopf eines alten Aborigine Häuptlings der ihm mithilfe seiner Nase sämtliche Rennergebnisse auf seiner Pferderennbahn sicher vorhersagt. Durch diese Kombination von Zufall, Vorahnungen, und seiner etwas verqueren irischen Logik könnte Brendan nun auf einer unglaublichen Glückssträhne durchs Leben reiten. Er und seine College Kumpane, eingeschlossen der Chefpathologe, beuten diese "Talente' natürlich bis zum äußersten aus. Alle erwarten mit größter Gier das große Cheltenham Rennen. Da taucht ein australischer Ureinwohner auf und der will den Kopf zurück. Und nicht nur das, einige sehr zwielichtige Gestalten wollen auch ihren "gerechten" Anteil. Ein famoses Rennen beginnt ..
Brendan is a janitor at a university who has a fondness for gambling, especially betting on horse races. However, he doesn't have much skill at it, and poorly considered bets have drained the bank account he'd set aside for his daughter's education. Brendan's wife has made Brendan promise to give up gambling, but when their daughter announces she's just been accepted to Trinity College in Ireland, Brendan has to come up with the tuition money, and fast. While doing his sweeping at work, Brendan makes a remarkable discovery - the preserved head of an aboriginal tribesman who, under proper conditions, can pick the winners in horse races.
Brendan is a janitor at a university who has a fondness for gambling, especially betting on horse races. However, he doesn't have much skill at it, and poorly considered bets have drained the bank account he'd set aside for his daughter's education. Brendan's wife has made Brendan promise to give up gambling, but when their daughter announces she's just been accepted to Trinity College in Ireland, Brendan has to come up with the tuition money, and fast. While doing his sweeping at work, Brendan makes a remarkable discovery - the preserved head of an aboriginal tribesman who, under proper conditions, can pick the winners in horse races.