Der große Knall
Roger Carel, Richard Darbois, Georges Aminel, Michel Modo, Arlette Thomas, Paule Emanuele, Carole Androsky, Luis Rego, Perrette Pradier, Régine Teyssot, Michel Elias, William Sabatier, Céline Montsarrat, Martine Meiraghe, Henry DjanikNach dem 3. Weltkrieg sind die überlebenden Menschen schrecklich mutiert, und die Welt teilt sich in zwei verfeindete Lager: Frauen herrschen in VAGINA und Männer in den USARSS. Ein interstellarer Völkerrat schickt den abgehalfterten Supermann Fred, um eine vierte, für das Universum verheerende Auseinandersetzung zu verhindern. Mit wenig Erfolg!
Der belgische Zeichner Picha ("Tarzoon - Schande des Dschungels", "Das fehlende Glied") ist für seinen aggressiv-obszönen Witz berühmt. Obwohl mit viel Pressewirbel gestartet, war die Resonanz beim Kinopublikum bescheiden.
In 1995, Italy annihilates Libya, which destroys Israel. Africa bombs Germany, which in turn attacks France. Luxembourg conquers England. Sweden, Monte Carlo and Switzerland immolate themselves. The Russians decide to liquidate the Americans, who unleash their nuclear fleet, leaving only two continents on the verge of World War IV. In the north, a mutated strain of males in America and Russia merge, forming the USSSR, in the south. All that is left of womankind retreat to their territory of Vaginia as dealing with the scenario of a Third World War.
In 1995, Italy annihilates Libya, which destroys Israel. Africa bombs Germany, which in turn attacks France. Luxembourg conquers England. Sweden, Monte Carlo and Switzerland immolate themselves. The Russians decide to liquidate the Americans, who unleash their nuclear fleet, leaving only two continents on the verge of World War IV. In the north, a mutated strain of males in America and Russia merge, forming the USSSR, in the south. All that is left of womankind retreat to their territory of Vaginia as dealing with the scenario of a Third World War.