Der gute Bulle - Friss oder stirb
Lars BeckerSchauspieler:
Armin Rohde, Almila Bagriacik, Sascha Alexander Geršak, Edin Hasanović, Nele Kiper, Murathan Muslu, Natalia Avelon, Nadeshda Brennicke, Lefaza Klinsmann, Vincent Krüger, Michael Maertens, Meral Perin, David Scheller, Jasmin Shakeri, Gerhard Wittmann, Nina KunzendorfDer „gute Bulle“ Fredo Schulz erlebt einen brisanten Sonderermittlungseinsatz im Drogendezernat Berlin-Neukölln: Ein verdeckter Ermittler wurde erschossen und der ausgebuffte Polizeirat Schulz, Witwer und Ex-Alkoholiker am Ende seiner Karriere, wird mit der Auflösung des heiklen Falls beauftragt. Zusammen mit seinem Partner, Hauptkommissar Milan Filipovic, gelingt es ihm, die junge Dealerin Dakota als Informantin zu gewinnen. Doch schon bald werden die beiden Ermittler das Gefühl nicht mehr los, dass sie in den eigenen Reihen ein Leck haben.
Armin Rohde experienced as a "good cop" Fredo Schulz a controversial Special Investigation operation in the drug depot Berlin-Neukölln. A covert investigator was shot and Schulz, the widowed police officer, widower and ex-alcoholic at the end of his career, is charged with the resolution of the tricky case. Together with his partner, Chief Inspector Milan Filipovic, he manages to win the young dealer Dakota as an informant. But soon the two investigators will not let go of the feeling that they have a leak in their own ranks.
Armin Rohde experienced as a "good cop" Fredo Schulz a controversial Special Investigation operation in the drug depot Berlin-Neukölln. A covert investigator was shot and Schulz, the widowed police officer, widower and ex-alcoholic at the end of his career, is charged with the resolution of the tricky case. Together with his partner, Chief Inspector Milan Filipovic, he manages to win the young dealer Dakota as an informant. But soon the two investigators will not let go of the feeling that they have a leak in their own ranks.