Der Halunke
Claude ChabrolSchauspieler:
Jean-Paul Belmondo, Mia Farrow, Laura Antonelli, Marlène Appelt, Dominique Zardi, Daniel Lecourtois, Daniel Ivernel, Patrick Préjean, Michel Peyrelon, Henri Attal, Maja WodeckaMedizinstudent Paul Simay verführt mit Vorliebe hässliche Frauen. Er heiratet die verkrüppelte Christine, Tochter des Chefarztes, um Karriere zu machen und wird Leiter der Privatklinik seines Schwiegervaters. Paul macht Christines attraktive Schwester Martine zu seiner Geliebten und räumt skrupellos ihre Bewerber aus dem Weg. Nach einem Autounfall will er sich umbringen. Als er erfährt, dass Christine ihn beseitigen wollte, trifft Paul ein Arrangement: Sie wird Frau eines Kollegen, er heiratet Martine. Alles bleibt in der Familie.
Jean-Paul Belmondo als Arzt und Verführer.
Jean-Paul Belmondo plays Paul, a former womanizer who marries the head of the medical department's "unattractive" daughter Christine because he thinks attractive women can't be trusted and make poor wives. A car accident leaves him bedridden and he begins to miss his playboy days, when Christine's bombshell sister Martine arrives and Paul decides he must have her. He begins drugging Christine at night so he can sneak out to kill of Martine's many suitors one by one.
Jean-Paul Belmondo plays Paul, a former womanizer who marries the head of the medical department's "unattractive" daughter Christine because he thinks attractive women can't be trusted and make poor wives. A car accident leaves him bedridden and he begins to miss his playboy days, when Christine's bombshell sister Martine arrives and Paul decides he must have her. He begins drugging Christine at night so he can sneak out to kill of Martine's many suitors one by one.