Der Held mit der Maske
Lesley SelanderSchauspieler:
Clayton Moore, Jay Silverheels, Douglas Kennedy, Noreen Nash, Charles Watts, Lisa Montell, Ralph Moody, Dean Fredericks, John Miljan, Maurice Jara, William Henry, Lane Bradford, Herman Hack, George Sowards, Bob Woodward, Belle MitchellDrei Indianer wurden brutal von einer Bande maskierter Outlaws ermordet. Jeder von ihnen besaß ein silbernes Medaillon, das Teil einer großen Silberplatte ist, die als Schatzkarte zu einem geheimen Ort führt, wo eine große Menge Gold versteckt sein soll. Zwei weitere Medaillons werden vermisst und der Lone Ranger (Clayton Moore) und sein Freund Tonto (Jay Silverheels) müssen all ihre Fähigkeiten aufbieten, um die Bande abzufangen und ein furchtbares Gemetzel zu verhindern. Schaffen sie es, die anderen Besitzer der Medaillons vor den Banditen zu retten...?
Three Indians were brutally murdered by a gang of hooded outlaws. Each one possessed a silver medallion, which were sections cut off from a large silver plaque which served as a treasure map to a secret location where a large amount of gold is reputedly stashed. Two more medallions are unaccounted for, and the The Lone Ranger and his friend Tonto must use all their resources to intercept the gang, prevent further carnage and save the owners of the medallions.
Three Indians were brutally murdered by a gang of hooded outlaws. Each one possessed a silver medallion, which were sections cut off from a large silver plaque which served as a treasure map to a secret location where a large amount of gold is reputedly stashed. Two more medallions are unaccounted for, and the The Lone Ranger and his friend Tonto must use all their resources to intercept the gang, prevent further carnage and save the owners of the medallions.