Der junge Törless
Volker SchlöndorffSchauspieler:
Lotte Ledl, Mathieu Carrière, Barbara Steele, Marian Seidowsky, Bernd Tischer, Fred Dietz, Jean LaunayÖsterreich-Ungarn, Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts: Am Erziehungsinstitut des jungen Internatszöglings Törless hat sich unter den gut betuchten Schülern eine Hierarchie von Macht und Wohlstand entwickelt. Als ein jüdischer Klassenkamerad sein Geld beim Würfeln verspielt und daraufhin als Dieb überführt wird, erlebt Törless, wie sich die Klassensprecher eine besondere Strafe für den Übeltäter einfallen lassen: Sie machen ihn zu ihrem Sklaven, erniedrigen und misshandeln ihn. Als Törless eingreifen will, erpressen sie ihn.
At a boarding school in the pre-war Austro-Hungarian Empire, a pair of students torture one of their fellow classmates, Basini, who has been caught stealing money from one of the two. The two decide that rather than turn Basini in to the school authorities, they will punish him themselves and proceed to torture, degrade, and humiliate the boy, with ever-increasing sadistic delight. As each day passes, the two boys are able to justify harsher treatment than previously given. Torless is a passive member of the group but observes rather than participates and frustrates the tormentors by dryly analyzing their behavior.
At a boarding school in the pre-war Austro-Hungarian Empire, a pair of students torture one of their fellow classmates, Basini, who has been caught stealing money from one of the two. The two decide that rather than turn Basini in to the school authorities, they will punish him themselves and proceed to torture, degrade, and humiliate the boy, with ever-increasing sadistic delight. As each day passes, the two boys are able to justify harsher treatment than previously given. Torless is a passive member of the group but observes rather than participates and frustrates the tormentors by dryly analyzing their behavior.