Der Kleine Dicke mit dem Superschlag
Sammo HungSchauspieler:
Sammo Hung, Leung Kar-Yan, Yuen Biao, Mang Hoi, Roy Chiao, Meg Lam Kin-Ming, Luk Chu-Sek, Peter Yang Kwan, Lee Hoi-Sang, Lee Hye-sook, David Nick, Fung Fung, Fung Hak-On, Chan Dik-Hak, Ankie Beilke, Chung FatAh-Lung ist ein großer Fan der Martial Arts-Legende Bruce Lee und wohnt bei seinem Vater auf dem Land. Der Vater will, dass aus ihm etwas wird und so schickt er den Ah-Lung nach Hongkong, damit dieser Onkel und Cousin im Straßenrestaurant helfen kann. Kunstliebhaber Prof. Pai kommt in die Stadt, doch statt Antiquitäten will er lieber eine Freundin von Ah-Lung und seinem Cousin „kaufen“, da diese ihn an seine Jugendliebe erinnert. Da die Dame von dieser Idee nicht sonderlich begeistert ist, lässt Prof. Pai sie entführen. Ah-Lung und sein Cousin können natürlich nicht tatenlos zusehen und so machen sie sich auf zur großen Befreiungsaktion…
Ah Lung is a pig farmer and a devoted Bruce Lee fan who is anxious to follow in Lee's footsteps, but only ridiculed for his attempts. He is sent to the city to earn a living working at his uncle's restaurant, but when he arrives, he finds a gang of thugs causing trouble in the restaurant. He takes the chance to prove himself and attacks the thugs, defeating them and saving the restaurant. Soon, he becomes a waiter, and discovers a plot by the same thugs to kidnap a woman he works with. Eventually, he defeats the thugs once again and saves the day.
Ah Lung is a pig farmer and a devoted Bruce Lee fan who is anxious to follow in Lee's footsteps, but only ridiculed for his attempts. He is sent to the city to earn a living working at his uncle's restaurant, but when he arrives, he finds a gang of thugs causing trouble in the restaurant. He takes the chance to prove himself and attacks the thugs, defeating them and saving the restaurant. Soon, he becomes a waiter, and discovers a plot by the same thugs to kidnap a woman he works with. Eventually, he defeats the thugs once again and saves the day.