Der kleine Eisbär - Neue Abenteuer, neue Freunde 2
Thilo RothkirchSchauspieler:
Fionn Michael Verona, Wolfgang VölzEisbär Lars, von Tierfängern in eine Falle gelockt, soll an einen Zoo verkauft werden. Dank Walross Sopho gelingt ihm die Flucht, auf der er mit Braunbärin Lea Freundschaft schließt. Die beiden Freunde brechen in Leas Heimat auf, um den an der Grippe erkrankten Eltern von Lars die Honigmedizin aus dem Wald zu besorgen. Schließlich findet Lars im Eismeer den Papageientaucher Yuri, der ölverschmutzt im Wasser treibt. Zum Glück kennt Lars die warmen Quellen, an denen Yuri sein Federkleid reinigen kann.
Lars must rescue himself and other animals from the cages of animal trappers. After a long journey home with new brown bear friend Lea, Lars finds his parents have become ill. When Lea takes Lars to fetch the honey medicine, Lars crosses the snow line for the first time and learns about the forest. With his parents cured, it's time to relax until Yuri, the funny Puffin, drops in unable to fly. It's up to Lars and his chillin' chums to help Yuri head back to the skies where he belongs!
Lars must rescue himself and other animals from the cages of animal trappers. After a long journey home with new brown bear friend Lea, Lars finds his parents have become ill. When Lea takes Lars to fetch the honey medicine, Lars crosses the snow line for the first time and learns about the forest. With his parents cured, it's time to relax until Yuri, the funny Puffin, drops in unable to fly. It's up to Lars and his chillin' chums to help Yuri head back to the skies where he belongs!