Der Letzte Mieter
Gregor ErlerSchauspieler:
Pegah Ferydoni, Sebastian Achilles, Matthias Ziesing, Tom Keune, Christopher Cornelsen, Wolfgang Packhäuser, Mignon ReméIn Berlin werden reihenweise Häuser saniert und die alten Mieter müssen ausziehen und in der nun schicken Gegend Platz für neue machen. Der alte Dietmar (Wolfgang Packhäuser) will nicht ausziehen. Der 67 Jahre Rentner sieht nicht ein, seine geliebte Wohnung nach 40 Jahren zu verlassen. Selbst sein Sohn Tobias (Matthias Ziesing) schafft es nicht, den Papa zu überzeugen. Doch dann steht plötzlich die junge Polizistin Shirin (Pegah Ferydoni) vor der Tür und die Situation nimmt die erste von vielen Wendungen…
The last un-renovated building in a trendy Berlin neighbourhood is being vacated. The former tenants are moving out, but Dietmar refuses to budge. His son Tobias tries to convince him to move into social housing. However, his father resists and the situation between Tobias, his father, and the building's realtor, who seems to be there by chance, escalates and gets completely out of hand.
The last un-renovated building in a trendy Berlin neighbourhood is being vacated. The former tenants are moving out, but Dietmar refuses to budge. His son Tobias tries to convince him to move into social housing. However, his father resists and the situation between Tobias, his father, and the building's realtor, who seems to be there by chance, escalates and gets completely out of hand.