Der letzte Zug
Joseph Vilsmaier, Dana VávrováSchauspieler:
Gedeon Burkhard, Lale Yavaş, Sibel Kekilli, Lena Beyerling, Brigitte Grothum, Hans-Jürgen Silbermann, Roman Roth, Juraj Kukura, Ludwig Blochberger, Sharon BraunerBerlin 1943: Die letzten 688 noch in der Hauptstadt lebenden Juden werden nach Auschwitz deportiert. Den sicheren Tod in der Gaskammer vor Augen und in Viehwaggons zusammengepfercht, wollen Einige von ihnen mit in Koffern verstecktem Werkzeug während der Zugfahrt fliehen. Doch Hunger und Durst setzen den Juden auf der 6-tägigen Zugfahrt in den Tod zusehends zu. Werden sie die Flucht trotz Leid, ständiger Bewachung und Kontrolle schaffen?
The year is 1945 and the "last of the Jews" are being "evacuated" from Berlin. They are locked in cattle cars with no food and little water. During the trip several of the characters are drawn out and vignettes of their lives are highlighted to restore some humanity to their animal existence aboard the train. The suffering and agony is palpable. Some parts can be watched in double speed as they are just just filler. If you exclude the final theatrical device thrown in at the end, the movie is worth watching for it's historical relevance.
The year is 1945 and the "last of the Jews" are being "evacuated" from Berlin. They are locked in cattle cars with no food and little water. During the trip several of the characters are drawn out and vignettes of their lives are highlighted to restore some humanity to their animal existence aboard the train. The suffering and agony is palpable. Some parts can be watched in double speed as they are just just filler. If you exclude the final theatrical device thrown in at the end, the movie is worth watching for it's historical relevance.