Der Manchurian Kandidat
Jonathan DemmeSchauspieler:
Denzel Washington, Meryl Streep, Liev Schreiber, Jon Voight, Kimberly Elise, Vera Farmiga, Jeffrey Wright, Simon McBurney, Bruno Ganz, Ann Dowd, Ted Levine, Miguel Ferrer, Dean Stockwell, Charles Napier, Jude Ciccolella, Tom StechschulteEigentlich sollte Major Ben Marco (Denzel Washington) seinem Kameraden Reymond Shaw (Liev Schreiber) ja ewig dafür dankbar sein, dass ihm dieser im Golfkrieg so heldenhaft das Leben rettete. Doch ausgerechnet nun, wo sich Shaw unter der Regie seiner hyperehrgeizigen Mutter (Meryl Streep) um das Amt des US-Vizepräsidenten bewirbt, keimen ernste Zweifel in dem traumatisierten Kriegsveteranen, ob damals wirklich alles so zuging, wie es seine Erinnerung suggeriert. Bei der Suche nach Aufklärung stößt Marco prompt mitten in ein Wespennest.
Runde 30 Jahre nach dem Original bringt Spannungsspezialist Jonathan Demme ("Das Schweigen der Lämmer") den gleichnamigen Paranoiathriller von John Frankenheimer auf den neusten Stand von Technik und politischem Umfeld.
Original:Botschafter der AngstRemake:Der Manchurian Kandidat
When his army unit was ambushed during the first Gulf War, Sergeant Raymond Shaw saved his fellow soldiers just as his commanding officer, then-Captain Ben Marco, was knocked unconscious. Brokering the incident for political capital, Shaw eventually becomes a vice-presidential nominee, while Marco is haunted by dreams of what happened -- or didn't happen -- in Kuwait. As Marco (now a Major) investigates, the story begins to unravel, to the point where he questions if it happened at all. Is it possible the entire unit was kidnapped and brainwashed to believe Shaw is a war hero as part of a plot to seize the White House? Some very powerful people at Manchurian Global corporation appear desperate to stop him from finding out.
When his army unit was ambushed during the first Gulf War, Sergeant Raymond Shaw saved his fellow soldiers just as his commanding officer, then-Captain Ben Marco, was knocked unconscious. Brokering the incident for political capital, Shaw eventually becomes a vice-presidential nominee, while Marco is haunted by dreams of what happened -- or didn't happen -- in Kuwait. As Marco (now a Major) investigates, the story begins to unravel, to the point where he questions if it happened at all. Is it possible the entire unit was kidnapped and brainwashed to believe Shaw is a war hero as part of a plot to seize the White House? Some very powerful people at Manchurian Global corporation appear desperate to stop him from finding out.