Der Mann aus Philadelphia
Vincent ShermanSchauspieler:
Paul Newman, Barbara Rush, Alexis Smith, Brian Keith, Diane Brewster, Billie Burke, John Williams, Robert Vaughn, Otto Kruger, Paul Picerni, Robert Douglas, Frank Conroy, Adam West, Richard DeaconAnthony J. Lawrence, unehelicher Sohn einer Witwe, weiß sich auszudrücken und kennt die richtigen Leute, um in die Geldaristokratie von Philadelphia aufzusteigen. Über seiner Karriere vernachlässigt er seine Geliebte Joan. Gute Beziehungen verhelfen Lawrence zu einem einträglichen Job als Anwalt in Steuerfragen. Als Anthonys Jugendfreund Chester A. Gwynn unter Mordanklage vor Gericht gestellt wird, muss sich Lawrence entscheiden, ob er ihn verteidigen soll, obwohl er Gefahr läuft, seine Gönner zu verlieren. Schließlich entscheidet er sich für den Freund.
Paul Newman verteidigt Jugendfreund Robert Vaughn.
Up and coming young lawyer Anthony Lawrence faces several ethical and emotional dilemmas as he climbs the Philadelphia social ladder. His personal and professional skills are tested as he tries to balance the needs of his fiance Joan, the expectations of his colleagues and his own obligation to defend his friend Chester on a murder count.
Up and coming young lawyer Anthony Lawrence faces several ethical and emotional dilemmas as he climbs the Philadelphia social ladder. His personal and professional skills are tested as he tries to balance the needs of his fiance Joan, the expectations of his colleagues and his own obligation to defend his friend Chester on a murder count.