Der Mann mit der Stahlkralle
John FlynnSchauspieler:
Tommy Lee Jones, Luke Askew, William Devane, James Best, Dabney Coleman, Linda Haynes, Cassie Yates, James Victor, Lisa Blake Richards, Lawrason Driscoll, Jordan Gerler, Jane Abbott, Jerry Brown, Jacque Burandt, Anthony CastilloUS-Major Rane (William Devane) kehrt nach siebenjähriger Gefangenschaft in seine texanische Heimatstadt zurück und die Menschen feiern ihn als Helden. Seine Frau und sein zehnjähriger Sohn haben sich ihm jedoch stark entfremdet. Bei einem Überfall auf sein Haus töten Gangster seine ganze Familie. Um seine grausame Racheaktion durchführen zu können, verschweigt er der Polizei das Verbrechen....!
Major Charles Rane comes back from the war and is given a number of gifts from his hometown because he is a war hero. Some greedy thugs decide that they want to steal a number of silver dollars from him. In the process they also manage to kill his wife and son and destroy his hand. The Major wants revenge so he enlists the help of his war buddy Johnny to meet the thugs in a final showdown.
Major Charles Rane comes back from the war and is given a number of gifts from his hometown because he is a war hero. Some greedy thugs decide that they want to steal a number of silver dollars from him. In the process they also manage to kill his wife and son and destroy his hand. The Major wants revenge so he enlists the help of his war buddy Johnny to meet the thugs in a final showdown.