Der Masseur
Brillante MendozaSchauspieler:
Coco Martin, Jaclyn Jose, Allan Paule, Aaron Rivera, Roni Bertubin, Norman Pineda, John Baltazar, Jan-el Esturco, Maximiano SultanDer 20-jährige Iliac arbeitet in einem Massagesalon für Männer, wo das langsame Entkleiden des Kunden und eine intensive Ölmassage wie ein Ritual ausgeführt werden und meist das selbstverständliche Vorspiel für den Sex mit der schwulen Kundschaft ist. Zu seiner Familie hat er schon lange keinen Kontakt mehr, als ihn die Nachricht vom Tod seines Vaters ereilt. Da die Tradition vorschreibt, dass die gesamte Famlie an den Trauerritualen teilnehmen muss, reist Iliac nach langer Zeit erstmalig wieder nach Hause in die Provinz und stellt sich seiner Vergangenheit.
Following the death of his father and a chance meeting with an abusive romance novelist, a masseur working in a gay massage parlor struggles to make sense of his unfulfilling relationships while simultaneously assisting his mother in preparing his father for burial. Twenty-year-old Iliac may not be the best masseur in the parlor, but when he catches the eye of a cold and calculating romance novelist looking for a cheap thrill, the icy indifference displayed by his paying lover does little more to warm the spirits than his sexually charged but emotionally distant girlfriend. Despite the resentment Iliac feels towards his late father for abandoning the family and embarking on a suicidal alcohol binge, the lovelorn youth nevertheless makes the journey home to be there for his grieving mother in her time of need.
Following the death of his father and a chance meeting with an abusive romance novelist, a masseur working in a gay massage parlor struggles to make sense of his unfulfilling relationships while simultaneously assisting his mother in preparing his father for burial. Twenty-year-old Iliac may not be the best masseur in the parlor, but when he catches the eye of a cold and calculating romance novelist looking for a cheap thrill, the icy indifference displayed by his paying lover does little more to warm the spirits than his sexually charged but emotionally distant girlfriend. Despite the resentment Iliac feels towards his late father for abandoning the family and embarking on a suicidal alcohol binge, the lovelorn youth nevertheless makes the journey home to be there for his grieving mother in her time of need.