Der Meineidbauer
Joseph VilsmaierSchauspieler:
Miguel Herz-Kestranek, Günther Maria Halmer, Suzanne von Borsody, Heikko Deutschmann, Josefina Vilsmaier, Max Tidof, Monika Gruber, Hans von Borsody, Aaron Karl, Doris Plörer, Fabienne Laura Wähner, Ralph SchichaDer Bauer Karl Bruckner und seine Verlobte Anna stehen kurz vor der Hochzeit, als Karl bei einem Autounfall ums Leben kommt. Während für Anna eine Welt zusammenbricht, nutzt Karls Stiefbruder Franz die Gelegenheit, um den Hof in seinen Besitz zu bringen. Er lässt Karls Testament verschwinden und schwört einen Meineid, dass es nie ein Nachlassdokument gab. Anna wird vom Hof gejagt und verlässt das Dorf. Jahre später kehrt sie zurück, um die Wahrheit ans Licht zu bringen. Sie ahnt nicht, dass Franz zu allem fähig ist.
The wealthy farmer Karl Bruckner and his fiancée Anna are about to marry when Karl is killed in a car accident. While a world collapses for Anna, Charles' stepbrother Franz takes the opportunity to take possession of the family-owned farm. He lets Charles's will, in which Anna had been considered, disappear and swears a perjury that there was never a probate document. Anna is chased from the yard and leaves the village with her little daughter. Years later, she returns to finally bring the truth to light. Ludwig Anzengruber's famous folk piece as a gripping ...
The wealthy farmer Karl Bruckner and his fiancée Anna are about to marry when Karl is killed in a car accident. While a world collapses for Anna, Charles' stepbrother Franz takes the opportunity to take possession of the family-owned farm. He lets Charles's will, in which Anna had been considered, disappear and swears a perjury that there was never a probate document. Anna is chased from the yard and leaves the village with her little daughter. Years later, she returns to finally bring the truth to light. Ludwig Anzengruber's famous folk piece as a gripping ...