Der Ölprinz
Harald PhilippSchauspieler:
Stewart Granger, Pierre Brice, Harald Leipnitz, Heinz Erhardt, Terence Hill, Macha Méril, Walter Barnes, Antje Weisgerber, Milan Srdoč, Milivoje Popović-MavidDer skrupellose Ölprinz hat es sich in den Kopf gesetzt, dem leichtgläubigen Bankier Duncan eine nicht existierende Ölquelle zu verkaufen. Als sein Plan durch einen Siedlertreck gestört wird, versucht er, das Problem durch die Navajo-Indianer aus der Welt schaffen zu lassen, indem er deren Häuptlingssohn ermordet und die Tat den Siedlern in die Schuhe schiebt. Winnetou und Old Surehand gelingt es, die Navajos zu überreden, mit dem Angriff zu warten. Old Surehand bleibt ein Tag Zeit, ihnen den wahren Mörder auszuliefern.
Einem Geschäftemacher, der dort Ölquellen verkaufen will, wo gar keine existieren, steht ein Siedlertreck im Wege.
'The Oilprince' is an unscrupulous businessman. He looks forward to a lucrative deal with the "Western Arizona Bank'. He sells the bank oil wells at Shelly Lake that do actually not exist. The Oilprince learns that the colonists would like to settle at Shelly Lake. So The Oilprince exchanges the scout of the settlers by one of his minions to give them another route. But soon The Oilprince has to recognize that he has not counted on Winnetou, the righteous leader of the Apaches, and his blood brother Old Surehand.
'The Oilprince' is an unscrupulous businessman. He looks forward to a lucrative deal with the "Western Arizona Bank'. He sells the bank oil wells at Shelly Lake that do actually not exist. The Oilprince learns that the colonists would like to settle at Shelly Lake. So The Oilprince exchanges the scout of the settlers by one of his minions to give them another route. But soon The Oilprince has to recognize that he has not counted on Winnetou, the righteous leader of the Apaches, and his blood brother Old Surehand.