Der Pate von Manhattan
Thaddeus O'SullivanSchauspieler:
Nicholas Turturro, Tom Sizemore, Debi Mazar, Abe Vigoda, Philip Baker Hall, Adam J. Roth, Frank Vincent, Lenny Venito, Johnny Williams, Frankie Valli, Michael Imperioli, Vincent PastoreDer junge Italoamerikaner Sammy Gravano, aufgrund seines aufbrausenden Temperaments "The Bull" genannt, weckt mit kleinen Diebstählen und Betrügereien bzw. dem dabei bewiesenen Mut die Aufmerksamkeit der Cosa Nostra. Nachdem er in die berüchtigte Gambino-Familie aufgenommen wurde, arbeitet er sich in der Hierarchie nach oben, um schließlich, als Morde in den eigenen Reihen überhand nehmen, beim konkurrierenden Paten John Gotti anzuheuern. Als das FBI Gotti in die Zange nimmt, entpuppt sich Sammy als Schlüssel zum System.
Der junge Italoamerikaner Sammy Gravano steigt zur Nummer 2 der New Yorker Mafia auf. Als das FBI Sammys Chef, den Paten John Gotti, in die Zange nimmt, entpuppt sich Sammy als Schlüssel zum System. Nach autobiografischem Material entstandener Mafia-Thriller mit guten Schauspielern.
Sammy 'The Bull' Gravano was mafiosi. He started out as a soldier, but his talent for murder, including the slayings of his best friends, his wife's brother and his own boss, Paul Castellano, saw him rise to under-boss in the Gambino crime family. However, betrayals within the family saw him break the code of silence and became the highest ranking member of the mob to turn into a rat - 'a rat in a suit,- assisting the government to finally put away the Teflon Don, John Gotti.
Sammy 'The Bull' Gravano was mafiosi. He started out as a soldier, but his talent for murder, including the slayings of his best friends, his wife's brother and his own boss, Paul Castellano, saw him rise to under-boss in the Gambino crime family. However, betrayals within the family saw him break the code of silence and became the highest ranking member of the mob to turn into a rat - 'a rat in a suit,- assisting the government to finally put away the Teflon Don, John Gotti.