Der Pornograph
Bertrand BonelloSchauspieler:
Jean-Pierre Léaud, Jérémie Renier, Dominique Blanc, Alice Houri, Ovidie, Catherine Mouchet, Thibault de Montalembert, André Marcon, Laurent Lucas, Ségolène Savoff, Titof, Marcelo Teles, Violetta Sanchez, Nadia Nataf, Thomas Blanchard, Guillaume VerdierÜber vierzig Pornofilme drehte Jacques Laurent (Jean-Pierre Léaud) in den Wilden 70ern, motiviert vom Anspruch, das Kino revolutionär zu verändern und den Sexfilm in den Mainstream zu tragen. Seit zwanzig Jahren aus dem Geschäft, zwingen ihn nun schlechte wirtschaftliche Umstände zur Rückkehr in den Regiestuhl. Zu seinem nicht geringen Entsetzen muss er erkennen, dass sich das Pornogeschäft seither ganz schön verändert hat. Ausgerechnet jetzt meldet sich sein Sohn zurück, der vor langer Zeit aus Protest gegen den Broterwerb Vatis das Weite suchte...
Frankreichs Autorenkino-Superstar Jean-Pierre Léaud ist der tragikomische Held des skandalträchtigen Debüts von Bertrand Bonello über ein Business im Schatten und einen reinigenden Vater-Sohn-Konflikt.
Jacques Laurent made pornographic films in the 1970s and 80's, but had put that aside for 20 years. His artistic ideas, born of the '60s counter-culture, had elevated the entire genre. Older and paunchier, he is now directing a porno again. Jacques's artistry clashes with his financially-troubled producer's ideas about shooting hard-core sex. Jacques has been estranged from his son Joseph for years, since the son first learned the nature of the family business. They are now speaking again. Joseph and his friends want to recapture the idealism of 1968 with a protest. Separated from his wife, Jacques strives for personal renewal with plans to build a new house by himself...
Jacques Laurent made pornographic films in the 1970s and 80's, but had put that aside for 20 years. His artistic ideas, born of the '60s counter-culture, had elevated the entire genre. Older and paunchier, he is now directing a porno again. Jacques's artistry clashes with his financially-troubled producer's ideas about shooting hard-core sex. Jacques has been estranged from his son Joseph for years, since the son first learned the nature of the family business. They are now speaking again. Joseph and his friends want to recapture the idealism of 1968 with a protest. Separated from his wife, Jacques strives for personal renewal with plans to build a new house by himself...