Der Prinz und der Prügelknabe
Syd MacartneySchauspieler:
Andrew Bicknell, Truan Munro, Nic Knight, Karen SaltDer König von Brandenberg lässt den armen Tommi an seinen Hof verschleppen um von nun an der Prügelknabe für seinen verzogenen Sohn Prinz Boris zu sein. Als Tommi erfährt das seine Schwester unschuldig im Gefängnis sitzt, büchsen er und Prinz Boris aus um sie zu retten. Unterwegs geraten die beiden Jungen in die Fänge von zwei miesen Schurken.
A bored little prince makes a poor rat hunter his whipping boy but after his pranks at the royal court almost causes a war with the neighbor king he runs away with the whipping boy to escape from his first spanking. After being in the real world his life will change making him a prince fit to rule.
A bored little prince makes a poor rat hunter his whipping boy but after his pranks at the royal court almost causes a war with the neighbor king he runs away with the whipping boy to escape from his first spanking. After being in the real world his life will change making him a prince fit to rule.