Der Prinz und ich: Königliche Flitterwochen
Catherine CyranSchauspieler:
Kam Heskin, Chris Geere, Adam Croasdell, Todd Jensen, Jonathan Firth, Joshua Rubin, Hristo Mitzkov, Valentin Ganev, Shelly Varod, Branco Vukovic, Georgi Ivanov, Kitodar Todorov, Petyo Peikov, Atanas Srebrev, Ani Jarrett, Gergana BouzukovaEinige Monate nach ihrer Hochzeit schaffen es Paige und Edvard endlich, in die ersehnten Flitterwochen aufzubrechen. Allerdings beschließen sie kirz vor der Abfahrt, das Reiseziel zu ändern, um so neugierigen Reportern aus dem Weg zu gehen. An ihrem Urlaubsziel, einem romantischen Wintersportort, angekommen, kommt es dann aber zu anderen unerwarteten Komplikationen: Paiges Ex-Freund Scott ist ebenfalls hier, und er weicht den beiden kaum noch von der Seite. Von einem romantischen Urlaub zu zweit kann also auch hier kaum die Rede sein!
At last! The newly crowned King of Denmark, Edward, and his wife and Queen, Dr. Paige Morgan, find time to fly to Belavia for their secret honeymoon. What better way to spend the Christmas holidays than at a fabulous ski resort? But as they take a tour of Belavia's natural beauty, Eddie and Paige discover that the evil Prime Minister Polonius has given orders to bulldoze the precious forests - to drill for oil. Then, the couple bump into Paige's ex-boyfriend, Scott. Eddie immediately becomes jealous - furthermore he suspects Scott cannot be trusted. Paige and Eddie must do everything they can to save the forest, even if it means putting aside their honeymoon.
At last! The newly crowned King of Denmark, Edward, and his wife and Queen, Dr. Paige Morgan, find time to fly to Belavia for their secret honeymoon. What better way to spend the Christmas holidays than at a fabulous ski resort? But as they take a tour of Belavia's natural beauty, Eddie and Paige discover that the evil Prime Minister Polonius has given orders to bulldoze the precious forests - to drill for oil. Then, the couple bump into Paige's ex-boyfriend, Scott. Eddie immediately becomes jealous - furthermore he suspects Scott cannot be trusted. Paige and Eddie must do everything they can to save the forest, even if it means putting aside their honeymoon.