Der Raub der Jungfrauen
Dinu CoceaSchauspieler:
Emanoil Petruţ, Marga Barbu, George Constantin, Olga Tudorache, Gheorghe Ionescu-Gion, Florin Scărlătescu, Tanți Cocea, Alexandru Giugaru, Colea Răutu, Marian Hudac, Ileana Buhaci-Gurgulescu, Mihai Pălădescu, Jean Constantin, Elena Caragiu, Draga Olteanu Matei, Telly BarbuWährend des 19. Jahrhunderts kommen Kriegsbanden osmanischer Türken, die von Vidin aus über die Donau operieren, in die Walachei, um ungestraft zu plündern, zu versklaven, zu ermorden und zu zerstören.
In 19th century Wallachia war-bands of Ottoman Turks from across the Danube river raid Wallachia with impunity while Wallachia's Phanariote rulers don't oppose them.
In 19th century Wallachia war-bands of Ottoman Turks from across the Danube river raid Wallachia with impunity while Wallachia's Phanariote rulers don't oppose them.