Der Rubin im Rauch
Brian PercivalSchauspieler:
Billie Piper, Matt Smith, Sian Thomas, Kay Lyon, Robert Glenister, Julie Walters, JJ Feild, David Harewood, Tony Maudsley, Hayley Atwell, Julia Joyce, Elliot Cowan, Tom Wu, Robert Putt, Trevor Cooper, Dominic ColemanSally Lockhart weiß, wie man eine Pistole abfeuert und spricht Hindustani - nicht unbedingt die Fertigkeiten, die ein Fräulein im viktorianischen England besitzen sollte. Gerade die aber sind ihr bei der Suche nach dem Rubin von Agrapur und dessen Geheimnis von großer Hilfe...
In Victorian England, Sally Lockhart receives an anonymous note sending her on a mysterious quest. Her father has recently died and feeling suffocated living with her elderly aunt moves in with newfound friends, a photographer and his sister. She is soon made aware that the mysterious Mrs. Holland is out to kill her. In the end, she realizes the solution to the mystery is rooted in events that occurred long ago when she lived with her father in India and a recurring dream she has had ever since.
In Victorian England, Sally Lockhart receives an anonymous note sending her on a mysterious quest. Her father has recently died and feeling suffocated living with her elderly aunt moves in with newfound friends, a photographer and his sister. She is soon made aware that the mysterious Mrs. Holland is out to kill her. In the end, she realizes the solution to the mystery is rooted in events that occurred long ago when she lived with her father in India and a recurring dream she has had ever since.