Der Smaragdwald
John BoormanSchauspieler:
Powers Boothe, Meg Foster, Átila Iório, Yara Vaneau, William Rodriguez, Estee Chandler, Charley Boorman, Dira Paes, Eduardo Conde, Ariel Coelho, Peter Marinker, Mario Borges, Gabriel Archanjo, Gracindo Júnior, Arthur Muhlenberg, Chico TertoDer amerikanische Ingenieur Bill Markham leitet ein Staudammprojekt im brasilianischen Regenwald und verantwortet damit, dass große Teile des Urwalds gefällt werden. Dann wird sein siebenjähriger Sohn Tommy von Indianern entführt. Zehn Jahre lang ist der verzweifelte Vater auf der Suche nach ihm, während Tommy bei einem Stamm von Kriegern aufwächst, dem “Unsichtbaren Volk”. Als Tommé, wie er sich mittlerweile nennt, endlich wieder seinem Vater gegenübersteht, ist er ein junger frisch vermählter Krieger, der nicht den Hauch von Interesse verspürt, zurück in die “Zivilisation” zu kehren.
John Boormans spannender Abenteuerfilm nach einer wahren Begebenheit vor der Kulisse des brasilianischen Regenwalds.
For ten years, engineer Bill Markham has searched tirelessly for his son Tommy who disappeared from the edge of the Brazilian rainforest. Miraculously, he finds the boy living among the reclusive Amazon tribe who adopted him. And that's when Bill's adventure truly begins. For his son is now a grown tribesman who moves skillfully through this beautiful-but-dangerous terrain, fearful only of those who would exploit it. And as Bill attempts to "rescue" him from the savagery of the untamed jungle, Tommy challenges Bill's idea of true civilization and his notions about who needs rescuing.
For ten years, engineer Bill Markham has searched tirelessly for his son Tommy who disappeared from the edge of the Brazilian rainforest. Miraculously, he finds the boy living among the reclusive Amazon tribe who adopted him. And that's when Bill's adventure truly begins. For his son is now a grown tribesman who moves skillfully through this beautiful-but-dangerous terrain, fearful only of those who would exploit it. And as Bill attempts to "rescue" him from the savagery of the untamed jungle, Tommy challenges Bill's idea of true civilization and his notions about who needs rescuing.