Der Spinner
Jerry ParisSchauspieler:
Jerry Lewis, Terry-Thomas, Jacqueline Pearce, Bernard Cribbins, Margaret Nolan, Harold Goodwin, Nike Arrighi, Patricia Routledge, Nicholas Parsons, Michael Bates, Colin Gordon, John Bluthal, Sandra Caron, John Barrard, Pippa BenedictDer spleenige Engländer George Lester (Jerry Lewis) heiratet die Losverkäuferin Pamela (Jacqueline Pearce). Ihre drei- jährigen (!) Flitterwochen führen durch Eiswüsten und verregnete Dschungelpfade denn Mr. Lester hat die Route so gewählt, dass seine Geschäfte nicht zu kurz kommen. Als Pamela sich scheiden lassen will, entgleisen Lesters Gesichtszüge. Um sein Herzblatt wieder zu erobern, würde George die eigene Oma verkaufen… Jerry Lewis spielte mit angezogener Handbremse. Und Regisseur Jerry Paris ("Police Academy 2 und 3") sorgte für eine ungewohnt vernünftige Story. Beides verprellte 1968 die Fans.
George Lester is a man who is chasing rainbows, looking for the pot of gold at the end. When his wife, Pamela grows tired of being dragged all over the world, she leaves him. While she is away, George converts her family home into a discotheque, when she returns, she threatens to send George to jail for fraud, cause she didn't give her approval. George needing some fast bucks, decides to turn to an old cohort of his, William Homer but Willy's a little short. George then decides to steal the plans to a new drill, Pamela's suitor, Dudley Heath is working on. But when George gets the mumps, he can't make it to the meeting place and refuses to give Willy the plans unless he gives him the cash first. And the buyers won't give unless they see the merchandise first.
George Lester is a man who is chasing rainbows, looking for the pot of gold at the end. When his wife, Pamela grows tired of being dragged all over the world, she leaves him. While she is away, George converts her family home into a discotheque, when she returns, she threatens to send George to jail for fraud, cause she didn't give her approval. George needing some fast bucks, decides to turn to an old cohort of his, William Homer but Willy's a little short. George then decides to steal the plans to a new drill, Pamela's suitor, Dudley Heath is working on. But when George gets the mumps, he can't make it to the meeting place and refuses to give Willy the plans unless he gives him the cash first. And the buyers won't give unless they see the merchandise first.