Der Sportpenner
Florian MortanSchauspieler:
Oliver Korittke, Detlef Bothe, Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht, Renato Schuch, Mirijam Verena JeremicCharlie Meinhart landet bei seiner alkoholgeschwängerten Suche nach Glück von der Börse auf die Bank in einem Berliner Park. Des obdachlosen Lebens in Deutschland überdrüssig, macht er sich auf den Weg nach Biarritz im Südwesten Frankreichs am Atlantik. Durch dieses paradiesische und vor allem sportaffine Fleckchen Erde, fängt er plötzlich selbst an, Sport zu treiben. Mit den anderen Obdachlosen im Schlepptau wird er zum Sportpenner. Doch kann sein neues Lebensmotto - kein Geld, kein Heim nur Sport und Wein - ihm auch helfen, sein Glück zu finden?
Starbesetzes Roadmovie mit Oliver Korittke und Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht.
Charlie Meinhart lands on the bank in a Berlin park during his alcoholic search for happiness. Tired of homeless life in Germany, he makes his way to Biarritz in southwestern France on the Atlantic. Through this heavenly and, above all, sport-loving patch of earth, he suddenly starts to do sports himself. With the other homeless in tow, he becomes a sports freak. But can his new motto - no money, no home, just sport and wine - also help him find his happiness?
Charlie Meinhart lands on the bank in a Berlin park during his alcoholic search for happiness. Tired of homeless life in Germany, he makes his way to Biarritz in southwestern France on the Atlantic. Through this heavenly and, above all, sport-loving patch of earth, he suddenly starts to do sports himself. With the other homeless in tow, he becomes a sports freak. But can his new motto - no money, no home, just sport and wine - also help him find his happiness?