Der Todesspeer des Shaolin
Chia-Liang LiuSchauspieler:
Kara Hui, Lily Li, Sheng Fu, Wing-Cheung Cheung, Lung Wei Wang, Lien-Ping Chang, Chia-Hui Liu, Ching-Ching Yeung, Kwok Keung Chan, Chan-Peng Chang, Ming-Wei Chen, Wing-Hon Cheung, Chia Chu, Tiet Wo Chu, Kien FeiDie kampfgewandten Mitglieder einer regierungstreuen Familie werden ermordet, bis nur noch drei Brüder und eine Schwester übrig bleiben. Einer der Brüder zieht sich ins Kloster zurück, wird zum besten Kämpfer des Landes und stellt sich, als seine Schwester entführt wird, dem Entscheidungskampf.
The Yang family was the loyal strong-arm of the Imperial army. But a jealous General betrays the Eilte Spearman and their father to the opposing Mongol army. After an ambush of a battle, only two of the seven sons survive. One remains hidden by the family while the other lives on the run. The traitorous general must find them and silence them before either of them can testify to the Emperor of his treachery.
The Yang family was the loyal strong-arm of the Imperial army. But a jealous General betrays the Eilte Spearman and their father to the opposing Mongol army. After an ambush of a battle, only two of the seven sons survive. One remains hidden by the family while the other lives on the run. The traitorous general must find them and silence them before either of them can testify to the Emperor of his treachery.