Der Überfall - Es geht um mehr als Geld
Koldo SerraSchauspieler:
Emma Suárez, Nathalie Poza, Hugo Silva, Bárbara Goenaga, Daniel Pérez Prada, Kandido Uranga, Richard Sahagún, Juan Viadas, Fernando Albizu, Susana Abaitua, Nacho Fresneda, Itziar Atienza, Alexandra Prokhorova, Ione Irazabal, Soraya PeñaFür die alleinerziehende Mutter Raquel steht alles auf dem Spiel. Will sie ihre Tochter wiedersehen, muss sie innerhalb von 24 Stunden die irrwitzige Summe von 35.000 Euro auftreiben, um einen korrupten Beamten zu schmieren. Verzweifelt klappert sie eine Bank nach der anderen ab, bevor sie schließlich endlich Gehör findet. Doch gerade als die letzten Details für den Kredit geklärt werden, wird die Bank überfallen und alle Anwesenden als Geiseln genommen. Doch die Bankräuber haben nicht mit Raquel gerechnet, die nun zu allem bereit ist!
High-Concept-Thriller aus Spanien, in dem Emma Suárez zeigen darf, was sie auf dem Kasten hat.
Raquel is desperate: a series of unfortunate events have led to her daughter being taken and she needs a large amount of money to get her back, and fast. After a desperate plea to the bank, she manages to secure the loan she needs. The problem is that precisely at that moment, a peculiar couple of robbers enter the branch: the drug-addicted Jonan and his partner Lola, who is a deadly combination of smart and psychotic. But Raquel’s stakes are too high, and she knows she must think carefully to outsmart them, save herself and get her money.
Raquel is desperate: a series of unfortunate events have led to her daughter being taken and she needs a large amount of money to get her back, and fast. After a desperate plea to the bank, she manages to secure the loan she needs. The problem is that precisely at that moment, a peculiar couple of robbers enter the branch: the drug-addicted Jonan and his partner Lola, who is a deadly combination of smart and psychotic. But Raquel’s stakes are too high, and she knows she must think carefully to outsmart them, save herself and get her money.