Der Vamp im Schlafrock
Berno KürtenSchauspieler:
Gudrun Landgrebe, Eleonore Weisgerber, Walter Kreye, Ralph Herforth, Luci Van Org, Nicole Heesters, Oscar Ortega Sánchez, Esther EscheDie Mehrfachbelastung als Mutter, Ehefrau und Autorin erfolgreicher historischer Liebesromane hat Ellen Schweizer stets bravourös bewältigt. Eigentlich könnte die attraktive Endvierzigerin mit ihrem Leben zufrieden sein. Aber während es in ihren Büchern vor Erotik nur so knistert, scheint sie für ihren Mann nur noch als Hausfrau und Mutter zu existieren. Gudrun Landgrebe spielt die Hauptrolle in der schlagfertigen, treffend beobachteten Komödie um das alltägliche Chaos zwischen Küche, Kindern, Job und Bett.
The multiple burden as a mother, wife and author of successful historical romance novels Ellen swiss mastered always bravado. Actually, the attractive late forties could be satisfied with her life. But while it's just crackling with eroticism in her books, it only seems to exist for her husband as a housewife and mother. Gudrun Landgrebe plays the lead role in this quick-witted, aptly-watched comedy about the everyday chaos between kitchen, children, job and bed.
The multiple burden as a mother, wife and author of successful historical romance novels Ellen swiss mastered always bravado. Actually, the attractive late forties could be satisfied with her life. But while it's just crackling with eroticism in her books, it only seems to exist for her husband as a housewife and mother. Gudrun Landgrebe plays the lead role in this quick-witted, aptly-watched comedy about the everyday chaos between kitchen, children, job and bed.