Der verliebte Teufel
Rainer WolffhardtSchauspieler:
Christiane Schröder, Wolf Roth, Wolfgang Engels, Martin Brandt, Birke BruckDer Teufel spielt die Hauptrolle, aber selten wohl hat der Teufel eine so reizende und verführerische Gestalt angenommen wie bei Anouilh. Als junges Mädchen namens Biondetta - blond und unschuldig wie ein Engel - erscheint Luzifer dem jungen spanischen Edelmann Alvarez, der als Offizier in den Diensten des Königs von Neapel steht. In dieser Gestalt fällt es dem Teufel leicht, den jungen Spanier in sich verliebt zu machen. Doch Eros hat es schwer, wenn strenge Sitte und Moral die Natur unterdrücken.
Vergeblich lockt der Teufel mit den Genüssen der Welt. Weder Karneval, Spiel noch die schönste Kurtisane können bisher den Offizier erweichen. Oder doch?
The devil plays the leading role, but rarely has the devil taken such a charming and seductive form as in Anouilh's. As a young girl named Biondetta - blond and innocent as an angel - Lucifer appears to the young Spanish nobleman Alvarez, who is an officer in the service of the King of Naples. In this guise, it is easy for the devil to make the young Spaniard fall in love with him. But Eros has a hard time when strict custom and morality suppress nature. In vain the devil tempts him with the pleasures of the world. Neither carnival, gambling, nor the most beautiful courtesan can yet soften the officer. Or can they?
The devil plays the leading role, but rarely has the devil taken such a charming and seductive form as in Anouilh's. As a young girl named Biondetta - blond and innocent as an angel - Lucifer appears to the young Spanish nobleman Alvarez, who is an officer in the service of the King of Naples. In this guise, it is easy for the devil to make the young Spaniard fall in love with him. But Eros has a hard time when strict custom and morality suppress nature. In vain the devil tempts him with the pleasures of the world. Neither carnival, gambling, nor the most beautiful courtesan can yet soften the officer. Or can they?