Der verlorene Prinz und das Reich der Träume
Michel HazanaviciusSchauspieler:
Omar Sy, Bérénice Bejo, François Damiens, Sarah Gaye, Keyla Fala, Néotis Ronzon, Philippe Vieux, Philippe Uchan, Lionel Laget, Philippe Hérisson, Asia Amans, Mustapha Abourachid, Warren Zavatta, William Gay, Olivier Merle, Clément NaslinSofia (Keyla Fala), 8 Jahre alt, lebt allein mit ihrem Vater Djibi (Omar Sy). Jede Nacht erfindet er eine Geschichte, um sie zum Einschlafen zu bringen. Ihre außergewöhnlichen Geschichten werden in einer imaginären Welt lebendig, in der die Heldin immer Prinzessin Sofia und ihr Vater, der tapfere Prinz, sind. Drei Jahre später, wenn Sofia (Sarah Gaye) zur Schule kommt, braucht sie diese Geschichten nicht mehr. Ihr Vater muss akzeptieren, dass seine Tochter erwachsen wird und sich von ihm abnabelt. In ihrer Imaginären Welt muss sich der Prinz dann dem epischsten aller Abenteuer stellen, um seinen Platz in der Geschichte zu behalten.
Djibi lives alone with Sofia, his 8-year-old daughter. Every night, he invents a story to put him to sleep. When Sofia falls asleep, these extraordinary stories come to life somewhere in an imaginary world inhabited by knights, pirates and other dragons. In this world that belongs only to them, Sofia is always the princess to save, and the brave Prince is none other than Djibi himself. But 3 years later, the entry of Sofia to the college will mark the end of her childhood. To the despair of her father, she no longer needs her stories at night. On the one hand, Djibi will have to accept that his daughter will grow up and move away from him. On the other hand, in the World of Stories, the Prince will have to face the most epic of all his adventures. Find your destiny in a world where it no longer has a place.
Djibi lives alone with Sofia, his 8-year-old daughter. Every night, he invents a story to put him to sleep. When Sofia falls asleep, these extraordinary stories come to life somewhere in an imaginary world inhabited by knights, pirates and other dragons. In this world that belongs only to them, Sofia is always the princess to save, and the brave Prince is none other than Djibi himself. But 3 years later, the entry of Sofia to the college will mark the end of her childhood. To the despair of her father, she no longer needs her stories at night. On the one hand, Djibi will have to accept that his daughter will grow up and move away from him. On the other hand, in the World of Stories, the Prince will have to face the most epic of all his adventures. Find your destiny in a world where it no longer has a place.